(07-11-2016, 11:00 PM)avrandom Wrote: With the new skill profile, it did not fail @ 700GP I'll have to leave it running to see if it fails out when it attempts between 600 and 700 GP.
Glad the new profile is working for you. Since I added Field Mastery/Sharp Vision, it seems it will work around your issue at 700 GP. It will break again at 750 GP or >=97% rate items with 700 GP.
[edit]Actually, the non hidden items like Lightning Moraine will be >= 97% gather rate, so they will break still. So a simple way to fix this for the Fast profiles is to delete the "96" from "Chance <=" from skill #1 and #12 (Field Mastery, Sharp Vision). This will kind of waste 50 GP on those items when above 649 GP, but it will work.