Looks right for me
You should use more then one coor and take your Players coor when you in fly. A little bit above the node. Example for my coors teak log.
You should use more then one coor and take your Players coor when you in fly. A little bit above the node. Example for my coors teak log.
[12] = {
["minlevel"] = 60;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["mapid"] = 399;
["radius"] = 300;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -727.27;
["y"] = 177.35;
["z"] = 338.96;
["h"] = 2.75;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Teakbaum-Holzscheit";
["mingp"] = 700;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 18;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 19;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering New Items";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["lowpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7500;
["usestealth"] = true;
["usecordials"] = true;
[13] = {
["minlevel"] = 60;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["mapid"] = 399;
["radius"] = 300;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -725.45;
["y"] = 175.22;
["z"] = 327.69;
["h"] = 0.61;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Teakbaum-Holzscheit";
["mingp"] = 700;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 18;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 19;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering New Items";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["lowpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7500;
["usestealth"] = true;
["usecordials"] = true;
[14] = {
["minlevel"] = 60;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["mapid"] = 399;
["radius"] = 300;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -745.06;
["y"] = 180.25;
["z"] = 280.18;
["h"] = -0.24;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Teakbaum-Holzscheit";
["mingp"] = 700;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 18;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 19;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering New Items";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["lowpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7500;
["usestealth"] = true;
["usecordials"] = true;