10-03-2016, 12:27 PM
(10-03-2016, 05:08 AM)quickpurchase Wrote: Updated your file to support 4 star crafting materials. Tested on Scintillant Ingots. I updated the CSII for Craftsmanship >1000 & <1050 along with other minor/major changes. Increased flawless synthesis steps +2 which altered other areas of the script, for example when great strides triggers etc etc. Most of them were easy fixes, the hardest was finding the sweet spot for Great Strides to kick off before Byregots.Did you update the below 3.3 profile?
**note** my Careful Synthesis 2 yields 142 progress.
My criteria was
1826 to finish
1684 2x CSII to finish
1542 to phase 1
please rate if you find this reply useful - Quick
***3.3 3 Star 70 Durability Macro with Tricks of the Trade and Precise Touch usage. *updated 10-1-2016*
Required 469 CP. 870 Craftmanship and 835 Control, control and craftmanship. Calculated based on 900 Craftsmanship, will work with lower. Higher stats untested.
(Cross Class: Waste Not II, Makers Mark, Flawless Synthesis, Comfort Zone, Byregot's Blessing, Tricks of the Trade, Piece by Piece, Steady Hand II, Careful Synthesis II)
437 CP Version https://www.dropbox.com/s/id9ztr62dsdcou...P.lua?dl=0 *updated 10-1-2016*
And what Craft Control CP do you have to run this?