This is what I have so far for my gather profile but when I go to use it the bot does not move at all any ideas? The bot recognizes my lua saved to the gather profile folder but it does not go anywhere. I have it saved in minion>lua>gatherprofiles
local obj1 = {
["setup"] = {
["gearsetmining"] = 3;
["gearsetbotany"] = 5;
["tasks"] = {
-- Teak Log @ 6PM
[1] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 399;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -702;
["y"] = 186;
["z"] = 307.7;
["h"] = -0.3;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Teak Log";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 18;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 19;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Noble Sage @ 8PM
[2] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 398;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 594;
["y"] = -17;
["z"] = 318.7;
["h"] = -0.2;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Noble Sage";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 20;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 21;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Luminium ore @ 4am
[3] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 402;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -840;
["y"] = 72;
["z"] = -291;
["h"] = 0.4;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Luminium Ore";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 4;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 5;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Zeolite Ore @ 6AM
[4] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 399;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -331;
["y"] = 158;
["z"] = 381.7;
["h"] = 0.5;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Zeolite Ore";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 6;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 7;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Tungsite @ 8am
[5] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 397;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -604;
["y"] = 129;
["z"] = -668.7;
["h"] = -0.3;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Tungstite";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 8;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 9;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Star Cotton Boll @ 12pm
[8] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 400;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -662.49;
["y"] = 277.69;
["z"] = -643.21;
["h"] = -2.00;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Crystallized Sap";
["mingp"] = 650;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 15;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 16;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[9] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 400;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -662.49;
["y"] = 277.69;
["z"] = -643.21;
["h"] = -2.00;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Old-growth Camphorwood Log";
["mingp"] = 650;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 15;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 16;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[10] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 140;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -109.50;
["y"] = 48.30;
["z"] = 342.71;
["h"] = -1.27;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Grade 3 Thanalan Topsoil";
["item2"] = "Dark Matter Cluster";
["item3"] = "Water Cluster";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 5;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 8;
["skillprofile"] = "Toil";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = false;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[11] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 153;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -232.88;
["y"] = 0.57;
["z"] = 432.82;
["h"] = -0.35;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Grade 3 Shroud Topsoil";
["item2"] = "Dark Matter Cluster";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 6;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 9;
["skillprofile"] = "Toil";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = false;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[12] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 145;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 331.43;
["y"] = 11.99;
["z"] = -7.73;
["h"] = 0.52;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Gold Ore";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 9;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 12;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[13] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 139;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 402.14;
["y"] = -3.05;
["z"] = 163.75;
["h"] = -0.91;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Bamboo Stick";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 7;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 10;
["skillprofile"] = "";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Bot idle in limsa
[1000] = {
["type"] = "botany";
["radius"] = 1;
["minlevel"] = 1;
["mapid"] = 129;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -96.813064575195;
["y"] = 18.60033416748;
["z"] = 1.4103310108185;
["lowpriority"] = true;
return obj1
local obj1 = {
["setup"] = {
["gearsetmining"] = 3;
["gearsetbotany"] = 5;
["tasks"] = {
-- Teak Log @ 6PM
[1] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 399;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -702;
["y"] = 186;
["z"] = 307.7;
["h"] = -0.3;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Teak Log";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 18;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 19;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Noble Sage @ 8PM
[2] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 398;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 594;
["y"] = -17;
["z"] = 318.7;
["h"] = -0.2;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Noble Sage";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 20;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 21;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Luminium ore @ 4am
[3] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 402;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -840;
["y"] = 72;
["z"] = -291;
["h"] = 0.4;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Luminium Ore";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 4;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 5;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Zeolite Ore @ 6AM
[4] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 399;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -331;
["y"] = 158;
["z"] = 381.7;
["h"] = 0.5;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Zeolite Ore";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 6;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 7;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Tungsite @ 8am
[5] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 397;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -604;
["y"] = 129;
["z"] = -668.7;
["h"] = -0.3;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Tungstite";
["mingp"] = 400;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 8;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 9;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Star Cotton Boll @ 12pm
[8] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 400;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -662.49;
["y"] = 277.69;
["z"] = -643.21;
["h"] = -2.00;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Crystallized Sap";
["mingp"] = 650;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 15;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 16;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[9] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 400;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -662.49;
["y"] = 277.69;
["z"] = -643.21;
["h"] = -2.00;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Old-growth Camphorwood Log";
["mingp"] = 650;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 15;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 16;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[10] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 140;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -109.50;
["y"] = 48.30;
["z"] = 342.71;
["h"] = -1.27;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Grade 3 Thanalan Topsoil";
["item2"] = "Dark Matter Cluster";
["item3"] = "Water Cluster";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 5;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 8;
["skillprofile"] = "Toil";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = false;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[11] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 153;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -232.88;
["y"] = 0.57;
["z"] = 432.82;
["h"] = -0.35;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Grade 3 Shroud Topsoil";
["item2"] = "Dark Matter Cluster";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 6;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 9;
["skillprofile"] = "Toil";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = false;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[12] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 145;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 331.43;
["y"] = 11.99;
["z"] = -7.73;
["h"] = 0.52;
["type"] = "mining";
["item1"] = "Gold Ore";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 9;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 12;
["skillprofile"] = "ABNIKKI1";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
[13] = {
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["radius"] = 300;
["mapid"] = 139;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 402.14;
["y"] = -3.05;
["z"] = 163.75;
["h"] = -0.91;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Bamboo Stick";
["mingp"] = 300
["eorzeaminhour"] = 7;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 10;
["skillprofile"] = "";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = false;
["timeout"] = 7000;
-- Bot idle in limsa
[1000] = {
["type"] = "botany";
["radius"] = 1;
["minlevel"] = 1;
["mapid"] = 129;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -96.813064575195;
["y"] = 18.60033416748;
["z"] = 1.4103310108185;
["lowpriority"] = true;
return obj1