I tested A10n.lua - a friend got it about discord.
Edit Line 7 and 12 like this:
--runcode = "SendTextCommand('/echo New Profile Alex 10.')"
So that no text is shown but nothing happend in the fight.
Enable Profiles
Display Warnings - on
Edit Line 7 and 12 like this:
--runcode = "SendTextCommand('/echo New Profile Alex 10.')"
So that no text is shown but nothing happend in the fight.
Enable Profiles
Display Warnings - on
local profile = {
name = "[Raid][Normal]Alexander 10 Breath of Creator",
triggers = {
{ detect_chat = "FoxhoundTest",
sound = "New Profile Alex 10",
helper_image = "New Profile Alex 10",
--runcode = "SendTextCommand('/echo New Profile Alex 10.')"
{ detect_action = 6832, -- channelingid
sound = "Stay away from buttons",
helper_image = "Stay away from buttons",
--runcode = "SendTextCommand('/echo Stay away from buttons.')",
{ detect_action = 6833, -- channelingid
sound = "Go to Middle",
helper_image = "Arrows !! Stay in middle",
{ detect_action = 6862, -- channelingid
sound = "Stack",
helper_image = "Stack",
{ detect_action = 6863, -- channelingid
sound = "Tank Buster",
helper_image = "Tank Buster",
{ detect_action = 6866, -- channelingid
sound = "Move",
helper_image = "Move !! Frontal Aoe",
{ detect_action = 6812, -- castingid
sound = "Four Players Marked",
helper_image = "Four Players Marked",
{ detect_action = 6861, -- castingid
sound = "Four Players Hit",
helper_image = "Four Players Hit",
{ detect_action = 6840, -- castingid
sound = "Go to Boss",
helper_image = "Go to Boss",
{ detect_action = 6841, -- castingid
sound = "Away from Boss",
helper_image = "Away from Boss",
{ detect_action = 6864, -- castingid
sound = "Mass Heal",
helper_image = "Mass Heal",
{ detect_action = 6679, -- castingid
sound = "Heal Tank",
helper_image = "Heal Tank (mini tank buster)",
return profile