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HW all classes quests

I recently purchased HW all classess quest include all job quests up to 60 for 14.99 Euros. I had other classes up to 50 and 60s. Trying to have my bot finish all the job quest.  Under profile I CAN'T Choose any option beside 1-15 in Gridania, Limsa, or Uldah. Also when I click on QUEST OPTIONS, the box is completely Blank. The SETTINGS only show prioritized hunting LOG and nothing else. 

PLease help me address this issue. I paid for this bot and now I feel that it is not helping me doing any job quests at all. 

Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
HW all classes quests - by Neptune23 - 11-12-2016, 07:58 PM
RE: HW all classes quests - by Neptune23 - 11-12-2016, 08:18 PM

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