11-19-2016, 04:35 PM
this is what the console said when it would lock up.
16:19:17> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [23.36] seconds."
16:19:17> D = "[NodePreBuff]: Need to switch to profile [Gathering_HQ]."
16:19:17> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [147], to [402]."
16:19:17> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
16:19:25> D = "Map Changed, Loading NavMesh.."
16:19:25> D = "Loading NavMesh from File: Azys Lla"
16:19:25> D = "Mesh was loaded successfully!"
16:19:47> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
16:19:57> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [32.12] seconds."
16:23:32> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:40> D = "Map Changed, Loading NavMesh.."
16:23:40> D = "Loading NavMesh from File: The Churning Mists"
16:23:42> D = "Mesh was loaded successfully!"
16:24:12> D = "[MOVETOPOS]: Completing @ 3D range [6.9130311730818]."
16:24:12> D = "[MOVETOPOS]: Completing @ 2D range [6.5126355423432]."
16:24:12> D = "[MOVETOPOS]: Completing due to range [10] reached."
16:24:13> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [35.04] seconds."
16:24:14> D = "path is valid"
16:19:17> D = "[NodePreBuff]: Need to switch to profile [Gathering_HQ]."
16:19:17> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [147], to [402]."
16:19:17> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
16:19:25> D = "Map Changed, Loading NavMesh.."
16:19:25> D = "Loading NavMesh from File: Azys Lla"
16:19:25> D = "Mesh was loaded successfully!"
16:19:47> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
16:19:57> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [397]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [401]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [478]."
16:23:31> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [398]."
16:23:31> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [32.12] seconds."
16:23:32> D = "[SetNavPath]: Invalid node IDs, from [402], to [400]."
16:23:40> D = "Map Changed, Loading NavMesh.."
16:23:40> D = "Loading NavMesh from File: The Churning Mists"
16:23:42> D = "Mesh was loaded successfully!"
16:24:12> D = "[MOVETOPOS]: Completing @ 3D range [6.9130311730818]."
16:24:12> D = "[MOVETOPOS]: Completing @ 2D range [6.5126355423432]."
16:24:12> D = "[MOVETOPOS]: Completing due to range [10] reached."
16:24:13> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [35.04] seconds."
16:24:14> D = "path is valid"