12-11-2016, 07:48 PM
(12-11-2016, 07:35 PM)geneticdoom Wrote: Here is what i do to farm monsters for materials,
Go to the area with the monster.
Change Bot mode to Grind.
Click Marker Manager at the bottom. With the new window that appears Click New Marker.
Set time that it will spend at the marker(leave as default for now) Min level you want your character to be when its farming that marker(if 60 leave default), then if nothing else is specific scroll that window to the bottom, click the monster you want to farm then press Whitelist Target(a number should appear in the ContentID= box)
If its a Heavensward map you will perhaps need 2-3 markers to cover the region the monsters exist in. If this is confusing i may provide pictures if requested
i will try this way. if i get any problem, i will ask you. Thank you very much