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Question about the default skill profiles...
First off, I really like this bot over all, and I admit that I haven't gotten to into editing many settings or even tried to make my own skill profiles yet... but anyways my main question is, will this bot ever offer support for all classes/jobs with the default profiles past level 50 or will those never be updated to work past level 50? For the most part the default profiles do work well enough, especially up to level 50, and even though none of them make use of any skills above level 50, it's still not really a problem to hit level 60 using the default profiles. However, I really like to use the assist feature when I run dungeons and such but it really falls behind once you get into the higher level dungeons and trials and such.

So mainly I'm just wondering if there is any plan to actually make the default profiles that come with the initial purchase of the program to perform at least halfway decently after level 50? Since Heavensward has been out for quite awhile, and a new expansion coming out in pretty soon, I'm guessing that there is no real plan for this (unless maybe waiting to update it after the next expansion is released), but I thought I would ask anyways.

Thanks in advance for any responses, and sorry if this question has already been addressed or if I'm posting in the wrong area (seemed like the appropriate forum to ask in, but if not feel free to move it to the appropriate section, sorry for any inconvenience).

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Question about the default skill profiles... - by ggkjustin - 03-23-2017, 10:35 PM

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