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Making Collectable Gathering Scripts?
Okay, I almost got it to work.
I updated the SkillManagerScript like this:

-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {

} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
    ["classes"] = {
        [1] = false;
        [2] = false;
        [3] = false;
        [4] = false;
        [5] = false;
        [6] = false;
        [7] = false;
        [8] = false;
        [9] = false;
        [10] = false;
        [11] = false;
        [12] = false;
        [13] = false;
        [14] = false;
        [15] = false;
        [16] = true;
        [17] = true;
        [18] = true;
        [19] = false;
        [20] = false;
        [21] = false;
        [22] = false;
        [23] = false;
        [24] = false;
        [25] = false;
        [26] = false;
        [27] = false;
        [28] = false;
        [29] = false;
        [30] = false;
        [31] = false;
        [32] = false;
        [33] = false;
        [34] = false;
        [35] = false;
    ["filters"] = {
        [1] = "";
        [2] = "";
        [3] = "";
        [4] = "";
        [5] = "";
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        [1] = {
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            ["collraritylt"] = 0;
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            ["collwearlt"] = 1;
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            ["gatherattemptsmax"] = 0;
            ["gpbuff"] = "4088";
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return obj1
And linked it to the GatherScript.
But now, the Gatherbot won't use "Collectors Glove" before gathering.
When I implement Collectors Glove into the SkillManagerScript, it will buff and directly unbuff "Collectors Glove" again, THEN starts to gather.
Same effect as without adding Collectors Glove to the SkillManagerScript.
How can I fix this?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Making Collectable Gathering Scripts? - by KazuyaX93 - 06-26-2017, 02:59 PM

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