09-30-2017, 12:09 AM
You can try the one ive been using if you want, I added in Aboodba's bossIdle function from his v2.0 profile http://www.mmominion.com/user-39778.html and I added in some auto abilities on tank busters and such depending on what job im on like so:
post = 0,
sync_action = 8939,
alias = "Critical Hit",
windowopen = 0,
windowclose = 50,
sounds = {
["IsTank(Player.job)"] = "Heavy damage on MT",
["IsMeleeDPS(Player.job)"] = "",
["IsRangedDPS(Player.job)"] = "",
["IsHealer(Player.job)"] = "Heal the main tank",
runcodes = {
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.REDMAGE"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Apocatastasis <tt>')",
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.BLACKMAGE"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Apocatastasis <tt>')",
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.BARD"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Palisade <tt>')",
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.MACHINIST"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Palisade <tt>')",
-- main_image = "Heavy damage on MT",
-- helper_image = "Heavy damage on MT",
-- runcode = "SendTextCommand('/e Heavy damage on MT')"
post = 0,
sync_action = 8939,
alias = "Critical Hit",
windowopen = 0,
windowclose = 50,
sounds = {
["IsTank(Player.job)"] = "Heavy damage on MT",
["IsMeleeDPS(Player.job)"] = "",
["IsRangedDPS(Player.job)"] = "",
["IsHealer(Player.job)"] = "Heal the main tank",
runcodes = {
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.REDMAGE"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Apocatastasis <tt>')",
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.BLACKMAGE"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Apocatastasis <tt>')",
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.BARD"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Palisade <tt>')",
["Player.job == FFXIV.JOBS.MACHINIST"] = "SendTextCommand('/action Palisade <tt>')",
-- main_image = "Heavy damage on MT",
-- helper_image = "Heavy damage on MT",
-- runcode = "SendTextCommand('/e Heavy damage on MT')"