(12-25-2017, 05:19 PM)itsu Wrote: kr server mob db template, modified lua
May I include "DailyHuntAssistantMode.lua" modifications to my code?
there are not much of name_ko filled...easiest way to get names is:
1) download FFXIV Data Explorer
2) open in it file SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\sqpack\ffxiv\0a0000.win32.index2
3) in tree select exd/bnpcname.exh
4) in top right part there is a combobox with language selection - select Korean
5) ctrl+A on table and copy to excel....then delete all columns excet 2 first.
You can replace all parts of db_localization.lua in Notepad++, for example ',\r\n name_en = "' to '\t' and make is as a table with columns id | name_en | name_de ....
After it you'll have two tables and you just need to use some functions (index and match) in Excel to add name_ko to big table...with another formula you can just make it '{ contentId = 4, name_en = "Antelope Stag", name_de = "Antilopenbock" ... },'
I attach example of such excel file.