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Scheduling is not working
I figured out why it wasn't working. Hopefully this will help others who are having problems with scheduling as I ran across many unresolved posts about scheduling in my Google-ing before making this post.

The schedule would not enact itself unless I set it while the bot was attached. For some reason, the scheduling feature will not queue the bot to launch unless it is set while the bot is already attached to the game client. I don't know if it has to be running or not, but I set it while it was running and it worked for me. After setting a schedule, it would immediately close the FFXIV client and display, in the MMOMinion client, that the bot was now queued for start.

Hopefully this helps others who are having the same problem. If this is how scheduling is intended to work, it is not very obvious or intuitive that the bot must be attached to the client before the schedule is set. If this is not how it is intended to work, hopefully this can be the beginning of the refinement of the interface.

Note: I use the 64bit client.

Messages In This Thread
Scheduling is not working - by itsangelo - 04-19-2018, 12:22 AM
RE: Scheduling is not working - by itsangelo - 04-20-2018, 06:09 PM

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