Could have reduced that to 1 task. You don't need to make one for every node. Just pick a position in the middle of groups of nodes and set the radius high enough so it can find nodes.
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {
} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["tasks"] = {
[1] = {
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 23;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 0;
["item1"] = "Wind Shard";
["item2"] = "Lightning Shard";
["item3"] = "Copper Ore";
["mapid"] = 141;
["maxlevel"] = 20;
["minlevel"] = 1;
["nodemaxlevel"] = 6;
["nodeminlevel"] = 1;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -137.65;
["y"] = 6.44;
["z"] = 251.37;
["radius"] = 100;
["type"] = "Mining";
["whitelist"] = "1";
return obj1