06-29-2019, 03:23 PM
15:17:34> [?]:0:
15:17:34> [Lua Error]: ?:0: attempt to compare number with nil
15:17:34> Callstack:
15:17:34> [?]:0:
15:17:34> [?]:0:
15:17:34> [[string "C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\/ffxivminion/ffxiv_common_tasks.lua"]]:1606:
and this
15:21:25> [?]:0:
15:21:25> D = "[AddEvacPoint]: Evac point was not added, there is already one very close."
15:21:26> D = "[error]: Error in cause for [AddKillTarget] [?:0: attempt to compare number with nil]"
15:21:26> D = "[error]: Error in cause for [AddKillTarget] [?:0: attempt to compare number with nil]"
15:21:26> D = "[error]: Error in cause for [AddKillTarget] [?:0: attempt to compare number with nil]"
15:21:26> D = "[error]: Error in cause for [AddKillTarget] [?:0: attempt to compare number with nil]"
15:21:26> D = "[error]: Error in cause for [AddKillTarget] [?:0: attempt to compare number with nil]"
It will not do any combat.