(08-02-2019, 05:06 AM)BigYankus Wrote: I'm also having issue with channels. I went to set a new one up and just like the other guy it completely freezes my game. The second it loads it freezes before I can open the console or anything. Uninstalling the addon makes the game work again. I'm trying to figure out how to reset the settings to see if that works. I added the exact same channel on another bot and no issues. Everything about the bots is identical. Any help is appreciated. It was working great, now I just need to find out why it's making one of my games crash.
I was able to fix the problem by pausing the bot during the main loading screen. The issue turns out that if you add a channel and leave the ID blank it freezes. When creating channels you have to enter the ID on the spot without clicking out of the box, if you somehow accidentally click somewhere or press enter without entering an ID it freezes.. Now that I know how to prevent it I'm not worried about a fix but I added the details in case you wanted to look into it.