Update: We currently have 10 members and are looking for more. We are all Relic/ Coil ready. But if you aren't geared, that's ok because we helped a few of our members get their relic (which took very little time and a lot of fun). Tools we used are flying/teleporting in dungeons. If you're interested, please leave a message in my inbox.
Also if you're from a different server and would like to transfer over, the service is completely free from October 15th to October 21th.
Go to ( https://secure.square-enix.com/account/a...poptiontop ) and click on (Optional Service > World Transfer Service) and Apply for Sargatanas (Legacy) Server
Please so don't go do a world transfer until you've receive a reply, I'm not the only ones making the decision who's going to be considered, as this is a risky thing to do. We want to remain under the radar as much as possible.
Also if you're from a different server and would like to transfer over, the service is completely free from October 15th to October 21th.
Go to ( https://secure.square-enix.com/account/a...poptiontop ) and click on (Optional Service > World Transfer Service) and Apply for Sargatanas (Legacy) Server
Please so don't go do a world transfer until you've receive a reply, I'm not the only ones making the decision who's going to be considered, as this is a risky thing to do. We want to remain under the radar as much as possible.