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Mounts and Skills
as the others said, mount doesn't work yet so you shouldn't activate it.

Regarding Skill manager, these are my observations based on a couple weeks experience trying to get it to work. If I am wrong about any of this please educate me as I have found the Skill Manager very hard to work with.

The problem you are having with the first skill firing over and over is inherent to the way SM is currently implemented. I run a THM/BLM and many of the skills have the exact same CD so they all become available at the same time. It seems the SM reads the skills from top to bottom and fires off the first available skill it comes to. Since there is no control over the cool down of a specific skill, it is difficult to get them to fire in a specific order. What I have done is put the skills that have selectable trigger points (ie: MP, HP or a buffid) at the top of the list and skills with no restrictions toward the bottom. I then use player MP% to create a bit of a rotation. For example, I want to create a rotation of Raging Strike, Thunder, Swiftcast, Fire and then Blizzard. I put Raging Strike at the top of the list with a buffid restriction of "player not 125" (the ID for raging strike). This will cause this to fire only when it is not active. Then Thunder is restricted based on target HP so it will only fire when target health is above a certain %. Fire and Blizzard I restrict based on MP. I restrict Fire to player mp>600 and Blizzard to player mp<600. This will cause Fire to spam until mp drops and then Blizzard to spam until MP raises again.

I am explaining all of this just to give you some ideas on how to get skill manager to work for you in its current state. I am sure others have discovered different techniques and I would love to hear about them as, even with these techniques, I have found it very difficult to produce profiles that create the desired result. At the present time, and in my opinion, even well done skill manager profile combat rotations are far inferior to manual play. I am sure we will get there. This is still a beta. Hopefully some smart programmer will develop a tool similar to the Havoc tool we had with mmominion for GW2. Until then, with a little careful thought and creativity you can create profiles that are effective.

Hope this helps and I am anxious to hear how others are using skill manager.


Messages In This Thread
Mounts and Skills - by kettlewell - 10-23-2013, 05:10 PM
RE: Mounts and Skills - by atmarkham - 10-24-2013, 09:55 AM
RE: Mounts and Skills - by TauTau - 10-24-2013, 12:02 PM
RE: Mounts and Skills - by Sully13 - 10-24-2013, 04:30 PM
RE: Mounts and Skills - by gawc - 10-24-2013, 04:31 PM
RE: Mounts and Skills - by Gabi - 10-24-2013, 05:30 PM
RE: Mounts and Skills - by Sully13 - 10-24-2013, 06:55 PM

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