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Minion Still Crashing XIV on Launch
This was a pretty well known issue that was happening in beta and I assumed upon launch that it would be resolved fairly quickly. Randomly for 15-20% of the times I launch Minion the bot is crashing FFXIV forcing me to relaunch the program. Upon relaunch it is locking me out of the program for about 5-10 minutes as I assume the authentication system thinks I am on the bot when I am not. I launch the bot in Windowed mode as normal which really needs to get fixed as having to adjust my settings is really starting to annoy. I usually play in full screen 1920x1080/1200 In order to use said program I have to adjust to Fullscreen windowed mode after it is open, if it does not crash.

When the program runs its fantastic, but these lingering errors that are sitting around and have yet to be addressed while you are adding more features to a customer can be a little disturbing.

Messages In This Thread
Minion Still Crashing XIV on Launch - by R3P0 - 11-10-2013, 12:52 PM
RE: Minion Still Crashing XIV on Launch - by z0mg - 11-10-2013, 12:54 PM

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