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--SOLVED-- FFXIVMinion keeps crashing game client --SOLVED--
ok, simple.. have no logs on what causes these crashes..
--Login game--
--Char select-- (i know you can setup bot here, but on the save side login to server and game
--In game--
--Start minion--

When i try it in char selection, minion comes up :P nu lua's loaded, login game .. --CRASH--

Ok rebuild minion clean..
Put all my lua's back...

Ok starting over.. this time no lua mods etc. just clean minion.
--start minion--
--Client instant crash--

never had these problem with any of the minion bots.. so before i even posted this.. looked over and over on my side what i prolly could have done wrong..

This happened today after minion did a small update.

Will go over it again.. might be me
but if any have this let me know, before i lose hours on this looking for my probably made error :P

Problem SOLVED!

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--SOLVED-- FFXIVMinion keeps crashing game client --SOLVED-- - by rexmundi - 11-21-2013, 10:48 PM

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