This is no way shape or form a complete waypoint file, i will not be adding special waypoints in for anyone, but this will give you a majority of the map with cords, most major cities, border zones, as well as cords that I use in WP. Oh it also has the first 3 dungeons you encounter during the story mode. I haven't done the rest yet so no waypoints for those bosses, I might update the file tomorrow or the next day if I ever get my story mode going again lol. I will not be trouble shooting or describing anything other then if my upload fails I will work on getting it working.
maha feel free to use this as well if you need/want to. I doubt you need to but its there if you wanna add it to first page give noobs who dont feel like reading entire threads.
maha feel free to use this as well if you need/want to. I doubt you need to but its there if you wanna add it to first page give noobs who dont feel like reading entire threads.