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Help with DoL and Bot Issues Please!
So if your a regular, you know im new to FFXIV and this bot. I have been using both about 2 weeks and am having plenty of fun. Ive been learning the bot bit by bit and have now got to the point of wanting to level gathering some.

I have ran into a few issues I would love some help with however. These may or may not be issues persay, they could just be due to ignorance, however issuess or questions, in the end its all the same. I need to resolve them so I can do what we all do :) So without further adeiu;

1) When a node is fresh and has mostly "unknowns" it seems to ignore the unknowns and harvest whatever isn't (usually a crystal) Once I manually harvest them to make them "known" it will just gather the top item over and over. So basically I want to know, how can i get the bot to harvest when its "unknown" and beyond that, is their a way to randomize the item selection so it harvests something different each time (or potentially different rather) is this something which can be implemented if not? The scenario which i see is that after going afk for a few hours or falling asleep or whatever may have you, the bot would gather the first item from each node and you would return to 30 stacks of "tin ore" and the rest of said levels materials ungathered. I also noticed when manually attaching a 1st and 2nd priority harvest, it will continually harvest the first item and pay no attention to the second. This leaves me with having to retype the first priority item in real time when i choose to change the type of item i want to gather. Totally un-botlike >.<

2) The bot doesnt seem to change area/marker once out leveled. I have watched this twice and both times, im not sure how i fixed it. This goes for all these issues. The ones ive ironed out I have done so via no particular method. It feels really inconsistent compared to the rest of the bot bases. Which is surprising all things considered. Anyhow, Lets use mining as an example because its the first one I tried. I grinding 1-14 on the same set of 6-7 nodes which all seemed attached to the same marker. (using meshes which came with bot, creating my own is somewhere down the line) Meanwhile, when I used gathermanager, i noticed a 1-5, a 5-10, and 2 10-15 meshes. I was under the impression as you leveled it would move to the higher level nodes? If not, can this be implemented? Unfortunately, I attempted to change the marker type in gather manager from 5 to the 10 and from 10 to the 15.. with no affect. It seemed to be solely for designating what you wish to gather from said nodes. It seemed to somehow reset and move on to higher level ones when i did one of the following (not sure which fixed it) i either A) restarted the entire bot, B) restarted FFXIV, or C) i teleported to a different zone. (most likely the latter) Obviously,none of these are acceptable long term. So can someone inform me how to go about selecting which markers to gather from at a specific point in time? God forbid I am level 50 but want to gather some lower level mats. I zone into said zone, load up the bot and hit gather and it runs to the highest stuff in the zone or whatever it would do in that case when their are technically 4-5 different level ranges to gather from all which provide different resources.

3) the Bot doesnt seem to cast triangulate/prospect etc on its own so will run between markers. This one took me awhile to figure out too. I'm pretty resilient/resourceful and I dont give up easily. When I do, i turn to the web long before I make a post. The problem is, their are no web resources or posts regarding minion, just this website. To be honest... no hard feelings but the tutorials here are shit. Im very very computer literate, and i wouldnt say ive used a wide variety of bots (a few however) and i certainly cant code (yet, on my to learn list) but still, theyre explained in a very fragmented way with little detail or explanation of many of the options, nor fixes for potential issues. I dont say this lightly either. Most things can be figured out (obviously) but again, i have an IQ in the mid 130's and if you want to gain subs from the rest of the "market" for lack of a better word, you may consider improving them to make it easier. Do it under the assumption that the customer has never used a bot before, or like me came from Honorbuddy which is much easier on a first timer for a plethora of reasons. Aaaanyways, moving on (i got off track) I began by equipping my miner gear, and making sure the correct profile was selected, the options I wanted were checked (stealth which i found I didnt have yet, and randomize markers). First the bot did nothing. I found out this was due to my chicken being out. (why this affects it when the chicken just auto follows is beyond me but i digress) So after putting the chicken away, the bot took off, same as it does when grinding. Low and behold it seemed to get somewhere, hop off the chicken..then immediately hop back on and take off. Going back and forth between what seemed like the same 2 or 3 places. Guess what the fix was? Casting prospect (and triangulate becuase it did this with botany as well) SO... it obvoiusly isnt in the profile to auto cast either of these, and I did add it, however even with setting it at the top of the list (assume theyre in order of priority or sequential or both) and I also set it to cast when the buff from the skill itself was not there (so it didnt cast it repeatedly) however, still no casting whatsoever. The only fix was to do it by myself. So im here to ask what im doing wrong, and again if it isnt implemented, can it be?

4) Changing jobs from gather to botanist or whatever other DoL combination or order you wish to use in this example. It seemed to continue going to the markers from the prior job. If you change these on the fly what is stopping it from changing the types of nodes it harvests? I was able to solve this by changing zones (teleporting is pricey at this point for me!) However, is their a way to do this without changing zones? Hopefully without closing the bot down entirely and opening it back up as well. Such as a reload everything button until these on the fly changes are implemented properly?

5) Fishing! Just tried it so figured id edit this post. Apparently their is no option to try different baits until you find one that works @ said spot SO this leaves you with a fishing bot that must be attended lest you end up at a spot where your bait isnt "meant for this spot" or whatever the text is, and not only do you not catch anything or progress, but you burn through all your "wrong" bait. Can this be added? Cycling bait(s) until it finds one that works if it runs into that problem? Another issue I ran into is the bot would arrive at a marker only to be facing away from the water and sit there until I re orient. Again you can see how this can/will/does cause issues. Anything that can be done or will be done eventually?

Sooo I realize this is a great big wall of text, and while ive never had a problem with it, some people are adverse to reading and/or like to complain/find a reason to not read. In case of the aforementioned, I will offer an apology as well as put a summary below. (i much prefer you having read the wall of text as many things are said that wont be in the following summary. After all, it wouldnt be a summary then!)

OK, so here's TLDR

1) How to harvest Unknown's via bot?

2) How to have the bot automatically change to higher level nodes/markers once the lower ones have been outleveled?

3) How to get the bot to cast Triangulate/Prospect etc before attempting to run to markers which hold nodes it wont see?

4) How to change markers on the fly? ie: assign the bot to harvest from a certain level range/markers/nodes? Or how to assign a specific set to begin with?

5) How to reload everything on the fly? I find if i change DoL jobs or I outlevel the marker/nodes im harvesting from, the only way to get the bot to move on to the next higher level ones is to teleport to a new zone. Looking for a shortcut to to the same thing?

6) Fishing bot runs to a marker only to be facing away from the water with thumb in butt, or ends up at a marker which requires different bait from that which the bot allows you to assigne (one spot) and so it chews thru an entire stack of the bait you assigned while catching nothing. You return to no bait and no fish :P Any help?

Thats it, I apologize for the wall of text again. Please read it if you can at all manage/hvave time. Thank you for any help you can offer here :)

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Help with DoL and Bot Issues Please! - by automationarmy - 01-27-2014, 01:08 PM

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