02-02-2014, 06:08 PM
Quote:not sure how true this is. I've tried every which way at max range. He turns towards me and doesn't move, but he does use his abilities. At least the first cycle. After that he doesn't use abilities. I get him to half HP and then he becomes invulnerable. Then I tried going a tad bit closer and he did his 2 jumps back to back. Then entered heart phase. He then kept using his Raised Leg move and repeated it back to back and was untargetable. Tried it 5 more times to make him targetable but nothing seems to work so got any tips since you won't just tell?
he becomes invl. if you take too long to do enough dps to him.
Lock him, and when he becomes invl. u have to tele onto the platform until his jump, once you land on the platform just tele back out to the lock point.
On heart phase repeat by tele over the platform and tele back out once you land on the platform, just LB his heart if you are blm, if you fail to dps fast enough he will just keep doing his leg lift jane fonda move over and over until you kill yourself.
I usually go 2 sch and 2 rnged dps.
if I have a full PT with friends, I just bring 1 ranged dps, and lock him, 4 of the pt members will die, but you will win.