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sch vs whm
The Mp issue.. comes from Overhealing due to the way the Bot reads Hp values...It will cure someone 100% and still think that persons health needs 1 more cure. The reason Sch outlast WHM on mp is simple, aetherflow and Energy drain(plus you has a pet busting out heals). If you're party sux... You will run out of mp healing and Dpsing as a whm no matter what(whm mp mitigation is garbage)... Stop dpsing you wont run out of mp as much. My whm profile is set up to try to conserve mp as much as possible if you noticed all the values that I have setup. Like I sad before Whm is meant to play AT keyboard.... The best way for you to conserve MP is Watch how it heals.... Move to cancel un-needed Extra heals the API throws out. Also you can adjust the mp value of Shroud by default i haz it set at 3000mp.

another thing that will help you is lower the value of cure 2... and use cure 1's more often.

Messages In This Thread
sch vs whm - by AbbyBaby - 02-28-2014, 04:33 PM
RE: sch vs whm - by Cichard - 02-28-2014, 06:06 PM
RE: sch vs whm - by Signature - 02-28-2014, 06:22 PM

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