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Is their a "suggestions" thread?
(04-04-2014, 09:21 PM)Textytext Wrote:  could be an easy fix that takes like 2 seconds, might not be but that doesn't mean that you can't make suggestions to end up with a better product in the end. don't think he was nitpickin jackie :P

and your assuming that its an easy fix. If its an easy fix, then fix your self and push it to the github. There are only so many dev's most there time is split between fixing bot breaking bugs, Trouble shooting user error, and getting the framework for Questing(which we all can agree is something we all want) I'm not saying dont suggest new idea's. Its not hard to move the menu. I do it every time i open the bot i move it to where i want it on 20+ accounts. God forbid you move it on 1 bot while playing using teh assist feature. It will get fixed but im sure its low on the totem pole. But anyone that knows how to fix it can fix it and push it to the github for the devs to push to live. Or you can wait for the devs to get to it in the list. If you spend all your time fixing Little things that "only take 2 seconds" that list is forever going you would never have time to sit down and work on the harder "better" projects. If its not bot breaking "it can wait"

(04-05-2014, 04:42 PM)klepp0906 Wrote:  yea and fwiw jackie. playing from as far away as i do - with 3 monitors in portrait mode.. the default location is in the top left of my left most monitor... i simply cant read anything until its moved.

Then theirs the fact someone else already mentioned that i dont bot afk, i bot while i play atm.

Wont argue that I am anal but im sure im far from the only one who likes things organized. Thats the same as saying they dont need to add UI customization options in game... I made that minimal to maximize screen real estate and keep it clean, and im trying to do the same with minion.

I dont think its a major amount of work to do - and its almost something you would expect. Could you imagine if the game didnt save your settings each time you logged in?

Beyond my personal request - im sure their are TONS of suggestions that people would like to put forth - so my post was just as much about a suggestions thread as it was my personal request.

If a mod/dev reads this - perhaps a sticky or a new thread for suggestions? I mean, we are the ones paying your bills. Couldnt hurt to please a few poeople by adding features that are possible and requested.

That is all >.>

They are already adding features that are possible and requested.

New marker system to better Grind/Gather/Fish.....Check
New Questing System so we can Make scripts to automate Main story quest.....Check
Duty Mode was requested.....Check
Click to teleport/Travel Map.......check

Its not like these guys sit on their asses. and sing "we in the money" "we in the money" they busting balls to push out new features constantly.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is their a "suggestions" thread? - by Cichard - 04-04-2014, 04:04 PM
RE: Is their a "suggestions" thread? - by Cichard - 04-04-2014, 08:17 PM
RE: Is their a "suggestions" thread? - by Cichard - 04-05-2014, 05:34 PM

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