04-14-2014, 02:49 AM
hi there is there a new lua script/waypoint someone can upload for turn 6 i think the latest patch screwed us cant attack it too long it keeeps resetting i got a frnd to help me sch and we got it to 70% then it 1 hit my friend and to dodge i had to tp very high soon as i did that it reset -_- i been at it for like 2 days now im loosing my mind and the reset is tommorow can someone save me ? lol just a lua mod or something liek the t1-5 1 i downloaded preferrably 1 for me to solo it i got all classes except monk, drg and warrior thanks. oh and i have a sch friend ssorry he wans in too but he dsnt have bot lol but i can do t solo if yall can hook me up