(05-17-2014, 09:07 PM)klepp0906 Wrote: and 10 dollars per each bot to rent the bot :P
BUT im aware of costs associated which may have influenced my having asked this question after seeing the prices drop for the umpteenth time (naturally after i buy the hardware and accounts)... however im really just curious what everyone else is running..
Perhaps i should mine >.<
I cant tell who's bs'ing and who isnt at this point but if you can run 21.3333 accounts per pc then im probably in pretty good shoes as far as hardware, as far as account requirements and viability - that is another question.
FTR - you also forgot the added electricity costs from running the rigs 24/7 :P The first month i got my main rig off the ground my electric bill went up 100 bucks lol.
whoa rock on jackie - ty for th epoll :)
although if you run 4 bots do you select 1-4 or 4-8? and if you run 8 is it 4-8 or 8+? food for thought >.<
you really do have a hard time reading he put right in his post 64bots @ 10$each....
look at it this way. You do not rent the bot... you own the bot for that 30days. people own there home but they still pay a monthly payment and as long as they pay that payment they get to live in the house...
renting the bot would mean more along the lines of renting a house... you cant paint the walls you cant change the carpet you have to use it as is... this bot you can do what ever you want to it. you can write scripts write lua addons even change the main code if you know how to, so it does something differently.