06-03-2014, 06:56 AM
Hi TinaBoBina,
got it all in one with Aces. Auto-Repair, Choco summone, stance change, auto eat and looooots of more nice changes (like avoid AOE - makes me life much longer - exept on Svara! :) ) so im done with this question. thanks!
Most recent place would be on that level Upper La Noscea. (Camp Bronze Lake) I know there are lots of ppl. farming for Atma, but the bot cant use the teleport/ship,. so there is only arround 4 fates (2 boss - 2 with massspawn) i could do with a low respawn rate. Now, after the Mod(?) its easy anyway to level in Coerthas. Choco takes aggro, bot is healing him and damaging monsters and hes avoiding AOE. thats all i needet. 7 levels tonight :) (37-44)
thanks anyway for that tips!
Quote:Ace's Assist Enhanced (http://mmominion.com/Thread-Module-Enhan...ed-5-5-14) should have an auto-repair feature in it if I'm remembering correctly. I haven't used it in a while. Otherwise you can use yMko's Toolbox (http://mmominion.com/Thread-Module-yMko-...7-11-2013) to Summon Chocobo (but I've noticed it's iffy on resummoning it), Repairing, and eating food (a bit iffy on that as well).
got it all in one with Aces. Auto-Repair, Choco summone, stance change, auto eat and looooots of more nice changes (like avoid AOE - makes me life much longer - exept on Svara! :) ) so im done with this question. thanks!
Quote:Regarding fates, you might be better off leveling off of fates in a zone other than Coerthas, even if they're slightly lower leveled fates. The reason is that atma farming (for zodiac weapon quest line at lvl 50) is done on fates in other zones. So there are a lot of people farming fates in zones other than Coerthas and Mor Dhona, because they want their atma gems. So you'll have faster fates in other zones.
Most recent place would be on that level Upper La Noscea. (Camp Bronze Lake) I know there are lots of ppl. farming for Atma, but the bot cant use the teleport/ship,. so there is only arround 4 fates (2 boss - 2 with massspawn) i could do with a low respawn rate. Now, after the Mod(?) its easy anyway to level in Coerthas. Choco takes aggro, bot is healing him and damaging monsters and hes avoiding AOE. thats all i needet. 7 levels tonight :) (37-44)
thanks anyway for that tips!