Here is my contribution to the community - enjoy!
After a lot of trial and error, and some helpful advice and not so helpful advice on these forums, I believe I have "fixed" the LCoA duty profiles that were provided by Newbie. There was a problem with the previous profiles which caused the bots to stall on the 2nd encounter (the 2nd boss with id = 2556). I added an additional TP location just in front of the boss to trigger the encounter. The bots immediately TP to the fight position for the remainder of the encounter (reference below).
I updated both the full and half versions and ran both of them until I capped soldiery/myth tomes - no issues after adding the additional TP location on the second encounter. If the original LCoA duty profiles worked for you, great. If the original profiles have not been working give these a try. Let me know if they work or not.
Disclaimer: these updated LCoA duty profiles are intended for tome farming only, not for farming mobs in the encounter.
Thanks to Newbie for creating the originals, Jackie for the wisdom, and dblake54, random73, and odano1988 for the inspiration to just fix it myself.
After a lot of trial and error, and some helpful advice and not so helpful advice on these forums, I believe I have "fixed" the LCoA duty profiles that were provided by Newbie. There was a problem with the previous profiles which caused the bots to stall on the 2nd encounter (the 2nd boss with id = 2556). I added an additional TP location just in front of the boss to trigger the encounter. The bots immediately TP to the fight position for the remainder of the encounter (reference below).
[2] = {
["doWait"] = true;
["doKill"] = true;
["bossIDs"] = "2556";
["taskFunction"] = "ffxiv_duty_kill_task.Create";
["waitTime"] = 5000;
["startPos"] = {
["General"] = {
["x"] = 98.073952;
["y"] = 42.084274;
["z"] = -28.774868;
["h"] = 3.108674;
["fightPos"] = {
["General"] = {
["x"] = 120.00428771973;
["y"] = 44;
["z"] = -52.105461120605;
["h"] = -0.8;
["radius"] = 50;
I updated both the full and half versions and ran both of them until I capped soldiery/myth tomes - no issues after adding the additional TP location on the second encounter. If the original LCoA duty profiles worked for you, great. If the original profiles have not been working give these a try. Let me know if they work or not.
Disclaimer: these updated LCoA duty profiles are intended for tome farming only, not for farming mobs in the encounter.
Thanks to Newbie for creating the originals, Jackie for the wisdom, and dblake54, random73, and odano1988 for the inspiration to just fix it myself.