A lot of ffxiv quality of life can be accessed through the chat log / battle log.
Example scenario
When a monster starts casting a skill:
will be written to the chat/battle log depending on how you have set up your log filters in ffxiv.
A potential response to that event could be:
written back into the chat log
I see nothing in the documented API to read or write from chat log, so my question is: how do I get ffxivminion to read from the chat, and write to the chat log.
A possible way to achieve the desired results for the example scenario I have provided above is to use entity casting attributes https://github.com/MINIONBOTS/FFXIVMinio...attributes to check what is currently casting and if it matches skills id. However this is not the solution I am looking for is it is not as flexible in the breadth of scenarios I would like to cover.
EDIT 1: I am writing a LUA module and reading from chat log would make my life a lot easier.
Example scenario
When a monster starts casting a skill:
ADS readies High Voltage.
A potential response to that event could be:
/ac "Blunt Arrow" "ADS"
I see nothing in the documented API to read or write from chat log, so my question is: how do I get ffxivminion to read from the chat, and write to the chat log.
A possible way to achieve the desired results for the example scenario I have provided above is to use entity casting attributes https://github.com/MINIONBOTS/FFXIVMinio...attributes to check what is currently casting and if it matches skills id. However this is not the solution I am looking for is it is not as flexible in the breadth of scenarios I would like to cover.
EDIT 1: I am writing a LUA module and reading from chat log would make my life a lot easier.