07-27-2014, 02:39 PM
Having issues with the FF14 Beta Minion bot. Seems since the update today, the bot is trying to stop casting(heals) if the target goes back above the set % threshold. Which makes it seem unnatural(especially if you are a Scholar and Eos keeps him right at that threshold). It then after a couple of stutters, the bot will self heal instead of the target who needs heals.
Just tested the Live version as well, seems to be having the same issue.
Fixed: Looks like everything is working now. Not sure if it was this update in the afternoon. But I did find that I was missing one of the required C++ installs x86
Just tested the Live version as well, seems to be having the same issue.
Fixed: Looks like everything is working now. Not sure if it was this update in the afternoon. But I did find that I was missing one of the required C++ installs x86