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Skill Manager - nested skill layout
Posted in the wrong section before, so putting it in correct section this time.

Hi, currently Skill manager profiles are 'flat', as in you add in skills and bot runs through them from top to bottom until it finds first ability eligible for execution. It works fine, but I was thinking if it would be possible to add a nesting functionality utilizing IF/ELSEIF/ELSE conditions.
You would add a skill card (I'll call it Trigger) from Skill Editor that would listen to some condition(s). That card would then contain several actual Skills (Flare, Fire, Mighty Strikes) that would get evaluated for execution by bot, but only if Trigger conditions were met.

Basically, I'm asking for IF/ELSEIF/ELSE structure in WYSIWYG. It would look like this:

++[Trigger IF Player = Solo]
+[Trigger IF PlayerHP>90%]
| Mighty Strikes
| Flare IF AoE Enemy_count >=3; Player_MP=< 300
| Fire II IF AoE Enemy_count >=3; Player_MP>300
| Fire
+[Trigger IF PlayerHP<20%]
| Manawall
| Fire
++[Trigger IF Player = Party]
+[Trigger IF PlayerHP>90%]
| Mighty Strikes
| Flare IF AoE Enemy_count >=3; Player_MP=< 300
| Fire II IF AoE Enemy_count >=3; Player_MP>300
| Fire
+[Trigger IF PlayerHP<20%]
| Manawall
| Fire

Inevitably someone will ask - what do you need it for, you can make different profiles for different situations and current system works good enough.

My answer would be - you take time to go through list of profiles to pick the one you want. With ability to nest conditions you can make more intricate profiles, that can be adapted to few different situations within one file.
Profiles would be bigger and a bit more complicated this way, yes. Who can't handle operating nested structure can still use flat layout as until now. Who wants to refine, can build himself a tree of conditions.

Messages In This Thread
Skill Manager - nested skill layout - by EonsTimE - 09-01-2014, 06:07 PM
RE: Skill Manager - nested skill layout - by evla - 09-02-2014, 02:26 PM
RE: Skill Manager - nested skill layout - by Ace - 09-02-2014, 05:38 AM

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