(09-13-2014, 07:48 PM)Latty79 Wrote: http://puu.sh/bxAW1/de198bbb0c.jpg
Working fine for me.
The only problem is that I don't need Raw Amethyst anymore (since I made my own bandaid to the situation), I'm working on Adamantoise Shells, lvl 48 miner and am having issues with Northern Thanalan now (which seems to be the same problem as before in Central Shroud).
The bot only sometimes responds to the fix I mentioned above. It completely refuses to move when I use the default N.Thanalan navmesh.
It has a problem pathing to the markers, I don't know why. :/ Do you have a N.Thanalan mesh by chance? xD
I appreciate your help though. I +rep'ed you for it.