10-10-2014, 08:25 PM
Was making fine progress until it came to pick up the stone tablet. For some reason the id I grab from dev tools isn't working for the guy to select the stone tablet so not sure what the issue is.
[11] = {
["doWait"] = false;
["taskFunction"] = "ffxiv_task_interact.Create";
["waitTime"] = 3000;
["startPos"] = {
["General"] = {
["y"] = 63.037082672119;
["x"] = 217.89114379883;
["h"] = -2.712430459880829;
["z"] = -136.26029968262;
["interactid"] = 2004054;
[11] = {
["doWait"] = false;
["taskFunction"] = "ffxiv_task_interact.Create";
["waitTime"] = 3000;
["startPos"] = {
["General"] = {
["y"] = 63.037082672119;
["x"] = 217.89114379883;
["h"] = -2.712430459880829;
["z"] = -136.26029968262;
["interactid"] = 2004054;