(10-18-2014, 10:37 AM)fxfire Wrote: you followed the install guide and made sure you installed all required software mentioned there ? same goes for not using any kind of 3rd party antivirus or other overlay sofwrae?
I followed all the guidelines also I have installed on my desktop and works just fine, I even tried to change resolutions just in case also the same problem prissiest, I am also running it directly from the C: directory as admin

(10-18-2014, 10:37 AM)fxfire Wrote: you followed the install guide and made sure you installed all required software mentioned there ? same goes for not using any kind of 3rd party antivirus or other overlay sofwrae?
I followed all the guidelines also I have installed on my desktop and works just fine, I even tried to change resolutions just in case also the same problem prissiest, I am also running it directly from the C: directory as admin Complaint, is there anything else I should look at?
(10-18-2014, 07:57 AM)Alxrocks Wrote: Have you activated the code by entering it into the User CP section?
yes I did activate it, and checked again it's active.