(11-05-2014, 03:15 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: do you have controller enabled? or do you have legacy mode enabled? if so disable both. sounds to me you either do no t have a navmesh loaded for the zone. or you have those options enabled. cause even with out grind markers the bot should still run around and just attack stuff if a navmesh is loaded.
I have both disabled and it shows that the navmesh is loaded. Still no go. Its weird if i start attacking a monster the bot will continue to kill it afterwards it just stands there again. Someone plz help me with this I don't want to pay for the ffxivminion if i can't do anything with it.
EDIT: FIXED NOW, if you are having this same problem delete the whole program and redownload it. It might of been corrupt or something but its working now.