11-10-2014, 03:06 AM
(11-08-2014, 04:56 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: cant fix a problem that doesnt exsist or at least replicate. I dont know how many times people of come here and said fix the bot its broke!!! and i team viewer them and it was 100% user error. id say 99% of the time when i TV someone it was soemthing they installed wrong, pointed the launcher to wrong place or just simply set the launcher up wrong. so if powder cant replicate the problem on his end he will have to see it first hand on your system so that he can actually fix the issue. Either figure it out as user error or actually find the problem.
Can't reach you guys on livechat, nobody there. I think because of different time zone.
Earlier in this thread, One of the administrators, fxfire already said he got the same issue, "(same issue I have from time to time, reason unknown)" , And you are still saying it doesn't exist?
The reason you don't get much feedback on this issue, is because most of the CN users don't even come to this forum. Besides, in the Chinese forum, there is already thread about this issue.