Not a complaint but more curious to see what the other users are experiencing with Frontlines. I am IF so this could be different with my character but, are your characters running to the middle flag and just staying there the entire match? The only time I move away from the first flag is when I am chasing an enemy that came into my screen but has ran away.
Second question. I am relatively new to this but would it be easy enough for me to have my character path to the middle tower and stay there instead of staying at a flag? The only complaint other team mates have had with me (I've been manually monitoring my character) is that I don't go to the tower when everyone else does. I think I could remedy this by just going there instead of the flag. Any thoughts?
Second question. I am relatively new to this but would it be easy enough for me to have my character path to the middle tower and stay there instead of staying at a flag? The only complaint other team mates have had with me (I've been manually monitoring my character) is that I don't go to the tower when everyone else does. I think I could remedy this by just going there instead of the flag. Any thoughts?