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Feature Request - Information Logger
Gonna pull in a quick "this could be of this use".

Since we're in the Minion Forums, I'll keep it specific to minion.

Unspoiled Nodes:

Database entry's : Name, Gathering needed, ET Starting/Earliest encountered calculated down to lower full hour, SlotNr & ItemName, Position (XYZH) & MapID
Minion's Unspoiled Node : if Players Gathering > Gathering needed -> List name with checkbox, list ItemName & SlotNr and let player decide what to gather and which profile. If checked goto Node @ ET.

This would come with a then inbuilt function to keep Unspoiled Nodes easily up-to-date with the least amount of user Interaction.

Grind : Fates : List Min&Max lvl values of FATEs in a specific Area with their Names. List #of Deaths per Fate spawn. Put in a leveling mode where IF playerlvl = fatelevel +-3 of that area -> teleport there, attach to aetheryte and farm. Blacklist fates with playerdeads > 10 per spawn (bossfates, cancer for example)
Atma farm shall stay as-is.
Item farming : List what MobID at which POS drops which item frequently, let player use a dropdown menu/tickbox menu to select which items to farm for his current area. Farm MobID's at their POS's.

Thats just some of the possibility's. Another thing would be going hand-in-hand with pulling weather informations and then automatically fishing Big Fish.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Feature Request - Information Logger - by saik1992 - 01-26-2015, 12:33 PM

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