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FFXIVMinion - Update
But the code to parse it hasn't changed.... Still uses , for list + for combine... Unless you mean they were wanting to look for 262「SHII」 *and* 260「リクレイム・Reclaim」 missing、 not one or the other・・・? Unless I'm reading it wrong of course.

Please feel free to correct me.

    function MissingBuffs(entity, buffIDs, dura, ownerid)
    local duration = dura or 0
    local owner = ownerid or 0
    --If we have no buffs, we are missing everything.
    local buffs = entity.buffs
    if (buffs == nil or TableSize(buffs) == 0) then
        return true
    --Start by assuming we have no buffs, so they are missing.
    local missing = true
    for _orids in StringSplit(buffIDs,",") do
        missing = true
        for _andid in StringSplit(_orids,"+") do
            for i, buff in pairs(buffs) do
                if ( == tonumber(_andid)
                    and (duration == 0 or buff.duration > duration or HasInfiniteDuration(
                    and (owner == 0 or buff.ownerid == owner))
                    missing = false
            if (not missing) then
        if (missing) then
            return true
    return false

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