Because it is designed to telwport to MD after all tasks complete so you dont end up standing in the middle of a zone looking like a broken bot.
Not in settings you can change.
Not really designed for telehacks but it is available.
Use at your own risk.
(03-05-2015, 09:20 PM)Kaeyt Sith Wrote: Im having an issue with the "kill 100" mosters part of each book, i am using teleport and its teleporting immediately on killing the mob and its not triggering the "count" message to pop up in the text chat window and thus its not counting in task manager.
Any way to add a slight wait, say 1-2 secs after a kill before it teleports? so you get the confirmation/count
Not in settings you can change.
Not really designed for telehacks but it is available.
Use at your own risk.