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Unable to launch ffxiv.exe
Heya everyone, this was posted in the Minion Update thread in the news section but I thought it needed to be posted here to get more attention and such. So after the update pushed out ~12 hrs ago or so myself and some other Minion users had all of our bots crash and now we can no longer attach Minion to FFXIV.

They were all working perfectly before this update was pushed out, and to just make sure that it was this update I have done all of the following on one of my botting PC's:

  1. Fresh Install of Minion
  2. Fresh Install of FFXIV
  3. Checked for any Updates for Windows/Drivers
  4. Made sure there was no VOIP/VPN/Overlays/etc running on the computer.
  5. Windows Restore Point to 1 day before Minion patch.
  6. And finally I actually completely did a 100% Fresh Install of my OS.

I am personally running machines with Windows 8.1 Pro, everything is up-to-date, and currently on the PC that is fresh install the only things on it are whats required to run FFXIV and Minion and nothing else.

In the GUI Launcher it reports this:
02:39:28 [V] ==> Lauching new FFXIV instance for character 'character name' on server 'server'.
02:39:31 [C] ==> Unable to launch ffxiv.exe

While in the minion log file it reports this:
[2015-03-14 02:39:31]=> Mapping failed with error 0x0. STATUS_SUCCESS

I decided to install Minion on a PC that has never had it on it before and it worked just fine, that PC is my main PC which is also running Windows 8.1 Pro with almost identical Hardware and installed programs, so I have run out of ideas of things to do to try and fix this on my end.

Thank you :)

Messages In This Thread
Unable to launch ffxiv.exe - by Eir-Kara - 03-14-2015, 09:49 AM
RE: Unable to launch ffxiv.exe - by Cichard - 03-14-2015, 01:02 PM
RE: Unable to launch ffxiv.exe - by Eir-Kara - 03-14-2015, 06:54 PM

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