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Bot not taking latency into account enough for me?
I've been noticing with the gathering bot mode, when using the bot for mining, I have some issues where the bot doesn't seem to be waiting long enough before repeating an action.

For instance when casting stealth when there is a nearby mob, it will toggle it on then quickly off again sometimes, and gets aggro because of this. Seems like it is checking for the stealth buff again too quickly and inadvertently deactivating it.

I've also noticed sometimes when it goes to mount up it starts moving too soon and cancels mounting, then has to do it a couple more times before it's successful.

Is there anyway to adjust the bot to better take game latency into account so this doesn't happen?

My ping won't be amazing as I live on the west coast of canada and the datacenter is in Montreal, but it shouldn't be much worse than anyone else's ping.

Other than that I've been very pleased with MMOMinion's FFXIV bot, it's very well rounded and fully featured :)

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Bot not taking latency into account enough for me? - by Robert - 03-27-2015, 08:50 PM

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