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[module] LedgendaryFisher v1.4.5 (update: 15-08-23)
Ledgendary Fishing v1.4.5

NOTE: Fishing in Heavensward still requires manual intervention by the user.
For example:
- Get meshes for heavensward areas:
- Edit the meshes yourself if the area you're trying to fish is unmeshed.
- Add portal OMC connections if you need to fly to the fishing location.
- Adding personal fishing locations if the provided aren't working well.
- Editing the if provided fish information is incorrect (highly likely atm).
- Use of some abilities might not be working 100% atm, not high level enough myself to test everything atm.[/size]

NOTE 2: Old versions of the addon will break normal fishing, be sure to keep this updated, or remove if not used..

What it is this?: A fully automated fishing addon. Will automatically:
- Pursuit ledgendary fishes according to the profile you set up.
- Gather craftable- and levequest fish in order and amount as you set up.
- Gather blue and red scrips
- Level fisher from lvl 1-60

Download link:

Required Files:
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\LedgendaryFIshing.lua : main application
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\LedgendaryFishing_functionMods.lua : modifications to existing minion-functions to make LedgendaryFishing work.
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\ Data on fish
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\ Data on fishing locations
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\ Data on bait
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\Profiles\ Data on personal Locations

How to set it up:
[Image: main.png?raw=1]
Main window with activation options and settings.
Idle location: If set, you will teleport to this location when no current target to fish is available
Custom Locations: Opens a window where it's possible to add and remove personal locations.
Fisher Gearset: the gearset number you have set to fisher. Player will change to fisher automatically when module is enabled if this is set.
Selected Profile: The profile you currently want to utilize
New Profile: Enter a profile name and click Create Profile, this will create a new profile to be used and this profile will be set as the current active one.
Keep All: no fish will be released
Keep Fish Target: Keep only fish on your current FIsh Target list
Release All: Release all fish.
Edit Profile: Will open the fishing targets for current profile.
Save Profile: Saves the current profile

[Image: list.png?raw=1]
Displays the targets in current profile, clicking a fish will bring up it's edit window.
Next to the targetname informations is displayed:
B - you're missing bait for this target.
W - current weather conditions are not met.
T - time conditions are not met
Q - Set quantity for target has been met
LVL - the target leveling spot is not in your current level range (used in "Leveling-mode")
OK! - all conditions are met and fish is targetable.
Show all fish: Shows all fish and from there they can be added to your targetlist
Show missing bait: If your are missing any bait for your current targets, a list of baits will be shown in this window.

[Image: edit.png?raw=1]
Window that displays information about the target fish and also offers options to edit certain properties. Things that are modifiable:
Catch only once: if checked, the fish will be deleted from your targetlist if it's found in your inventory.
Number of NQ: if set > 0, the module will target this fish until the number specified is met, then move on to next target.
Number of HQ, as above, but with HQ fish.
Use stealth: if checked the character will use stealth
Fish location: the location you want to fish the target at. Most ledgendaries only have on possible spot, but leveling and gathering can use multiple spots.
Bait to use: the bait you wish to use for the target fish. Most ledgendaries only have one possible spot, but leveling and gathering can use multiple bait.
Bait for intuition: only applicable to certain patch 2.4 ledgendaries which requires you to catch a certain amount of other fish to become targetable.

[Image: missing.png?raw=1]
If any fish is missing bait, this window will show which bait is required, useful when you have set up a profile and then need to go buy bait for it.

[Image: editLocation.png?raw=1]
Remove location: removes the currently selected custom location
Add Location: Stores your current position as a custom location for the selected location. Only works if you're in the correct zone.

Known Issues:
Housing Zones are not supported

Please post if you find more issues!

Version History
LedgendaryFisher 1.0.1:
-I've removed the modified ffxiv_task_fish.lua and ffxiv_common_cne.lua files, and instead added functions in LedgendaryFishing.lua that overrides the required functions in the former mentioned files.
-Assorted clean-up

LedgendaryFisher 1.0.2:
- Improvements to switching target fish at window change.
- Some alterations to fishing locations, new fish task seems to align abit different than the old, keep me posted if you find locations that doesn't work!

LedgendaryFisher 1.0.3:
- Improved logic on detecting fatigue
- Fix of adjustment problems which leads to "You do not sense any fish here." message
- Fixed the problem where adding Sweetnewt, Twitchbeard and Spearnose would throw errors. (Bot will not attempt to fish these still as I haven't found a good way to navigate to these fishing locations). Their weather and time conditions will show in the list tho.

LedgendaryFisher 1.0.4:
- Locations run through and locations for resetting fatigue added.

LedgendaryFisher 1.1:
- Major overhaul of code
- Extended scope of the module.
-- Fishes for ledgendaries
-- Automatic leveling of fisher
-- Use module for gathering crafting materials and fish for levequests.
- added support for multiple profiles (included a few example ones) Note: you have to manually click save profile for it to save, otherwise it'll be lost when changing profile or closing bot
- added optional idle location
- configurable list of fish to release

LedgendaryFisher 1.1.1:
- Added check to make sure bait get switched when intuition kicks in, could be interupted by cast.

LedgendaryFisher 1.1.2:
- Empty database on no longer throw exceptions
- Added display for when weather conditions are unknown due to no weather data ("UW")
- Fixed Silver Shark ID so it should now be visible.

LedgendaryFisher 1.2:
- Item checks now work on ID instead of names, should support all languages now! (Big thanks to MAHA for the itemlist!)
- Fix of an issue when comes back from being previously out of date.

LedgendaryFisher 1.2.1:
- Changes task mode to fish on enable
- Fix of an issue when changing location on the fish edit screen wouldn't have the desired effect.

LedgendaryFisher 1.2.2:
- WeatherCollector updated to handle changes made to
- Trimmed the ID-file to reduce cpu-load

LedgendaryFisher 1.2.3:
- Improvement to weathercollector
- Sets Catch only once correctly when reloading profile
- Fixed spelling in items-EN that resulted in unwanted release of fish

LedgendaryFisher 1.3:
- Rework of data structure (will break your old profiles, sorry!)
- Update to handle new Minion-functions
- New settings for which fish to catch or release
- Possibility to add personal locations
- Reworked handling of fatigue
- Support for Heavensward fish and locations. (No real locations added of yet, please use the possibility to add personal locations as of now. Information on fish is in a lot of cases off aswell, just quickly added in this version.)

LedgendaryFisher 1.3.1:
- Add Heavensward locations
- Re-Added Leveling profile

LedgendaryFisher 1.3.2:
- Updated fish information for heavensward fish
- Levelspots lvl 50-60 added
- Added support for Brute Leech and Giant Crane Fly baits
- Added support for snagging, fisheyes.
- Added support for Patience
- Added support for Collectability (will accept all fish for now, until minion API allows accept on collectability conditions being met)
- Bugfix: weather conditions Overcast was changed to Clouds on

LedgendaryFisher 1.4:
- Reworked weather collection, now utilizes AceLib
- Update more weather descriptions in FishData
- Bug-fix for setting bait in last minion update
- Extended handling of collectables

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.1:
- Fixed relocation bug (I think..)
- Fixed bug with unwanted release of fish
- Language support for collectables
- New sorting method for adding fish: By Name
- Uses Powerful Hook on massive tugs

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.2:
- Update to work with new marker system

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.3:
- Further bugfixes
- Option to use cordials
- Option to select which type of hookset to use.

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.4:
- Minor bugfix
- Handles player dying (returns and the continues fishing)
- Detects fatigue on patience usage

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.5:
- FIx to a bug where the character moves unwanted backwards when relocating
- Fix to a bug where the player would keep on eating food even when full.

Messages In This Thread
[module] LedgendaryFisher v1.4.5 (update: 15-08-23) - by frepe - 03-29-2015, 10:16 PM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by Naejin - 03-30-2015, 12:05 AM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by Ace - 03-30-2015, 12:45 AM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by frepe - 03-30-2015, 06:38 PM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by saik1992 - 04-01-2015, 02:09 AM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by frepe - 04-01-2015, 06:04 AM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by frepe - 04-01-2015, 09:52 AM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by saik1992 - 04-01-2015, 10:55 AM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by Jensen490 - 04-01-2015, 01:33 PM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by frepe - 04-01-2015, 09:26 PM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by Ace - 04-01-2015, 03:04 PM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by frepe - 04-01-2015, 08:36 PM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by Ace - 04-01-2015, 08:50 PM
RE: [module] LedgendaryFisher - by frepe - 04-06-2015, 12:37 PM

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