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Tutorial - Fate Grinding
(05-22-2014, 06:06 AM)yungyungyung Wrote:  the bot sometime acting weird ... it go to the wall and do nothing but jumping

make sure you are on proper mesh make sure you do not have legacy controls turned on.
Hello everyone,

Just new to using these bots. I'm trying to do fate grinding. I haven't build my own mesh since I don't really understand how to make one even with the tutorial, I just used the existing one for Western Tanalan. I'm at a location of a FATE. I enabled the bot and enabled correct options in the fate section according to the tutorial. The bot doesn't seem to react since my character isn't moving at all when the fates pop he just sits there doing nothing. Any idea ? Thanks

Edit : It does attack mobs around me if Fates only is not enabled but still doesn't get into the fate. It doesn't sinc to the fateand attack mobs. Can't find why :(

Ok it seems I have to click manually on the sync button to make the bot do the fate. Is there any way to make it auto sync the do the fate ?`Is there an option to make the bot also kill the aggro mob ? Like the fate I'm doing is around lvl 15 and when I sync to it some lvl 15 mobs might attack but it the bot only kill the fate mob and not the one that aggro.

Ok I'm dumb found out to make it accept sync was just about the level range. The only remaining question is how make it auto kill aggro mob while on fate.

Thanks a lot !
I've been FATE grinding on other characters I have and it works great, however, I just made a new character went outside to central shroud and set a grind marker near the entrance. When my character attacks ALL the mobs disappear and he stops attacking and runs halfway across the map to attack a LV10 gnat?! I am so confused I don't know where to begin.

EDIT: Confirmed. As soon as I attack a mob they disappear, as well as all other mobs around it.
are you using beta? if so i suggest using Live version of the bot while things get fixed with beta. or do a fresh install of the beta bot in to its own folder.
I figured it out in case anyone stumbles upon this thread with the same issue. I was using the pre-made Archer profile thinking that it would just skip over the skills I don't yet have. It did. But for some reason with the other skills enabled it makes the mobs disappear! I took the skills I don't have off and it works like normal.
that should have nothing to do with it. i have bard3.0 profile that has every skill a lvl 50 character would have and im leveling up a new bard for Power leveling job and having no issue.
Hmm... strange. As soon as I took off skills above my level it started working beautifully. That's the only thing I changed.
Its kinda the whole point of thte skill manager profile so that you can use it as you level up instead of having to add new skills every level. are you using the live bot? or beta bot? if beta bot there could be some issues with the setfacing that makes you sync with the sever if the bot is TPing some how to not update location of the mobs. I would suggest using the live bot or trying the brd3.0 profile again.
(07-16-2014, 07:16 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  are you using beta? if so i suggest using Live version of the bot while things get fixed with beta. or do a fresh install of the beta bot in to its own folder.

Where's the normal bot at?? I just got it today and the only download I could find was the beta bot... Is this not the one we should be using?
no you shouldnt be using the beta bot for normal use its for testing. the live version of the bot is in your user cp right next to the key you activated

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