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Minion Settings not being saved
(05-05-2015, 04:17 PM)Ace Wrote:  There's no reason to not use the Avoid AOE feature in some modes, and failure to kick it on manually would result in loves of people death looping on certain FATEs. Like it or not, you guys have to be protected from yourselves occasionally. You could modify the behavior by modifying a single line of code in ffxiv.lua if it's really THAT much of a bother to you to automatically use artificial intelligence to avoid having your face exploded.

I've said this before, but I'll repeat it here again:
None of the settings are saved per mode, some settings are automatically kicked on or off depending on if they would interfere with the mode currently in use, and it happens as soon as you change the mode.

For what i use the bot, avoiding aoe makes it obvious that i use a bot, i would use the bot to gather mats from mobs that i am 10 to 20 levels above, their aoe wont hurt me at all, plus its not a good option to have if you are using a blm.

(05-06-2015, 05:53 PM)Ace Wrote:  
(05-06-2015, 07:58 AM)bizzmo Wrote:  There are several posts with the same comments on the forum, asking for a way to permanent deactivate the feature.

Searching through post histories, I don't find this to be true at all. Every post I find is about making it dodge MORE.

I've said about all I will say on the subject for now. You're options at this point are to live with it, modify the lua, or create a module that overrides the code in such a manner as you see fit.

This is one thing that developers have to realize, that they need to develop things that users need. Not just the things that they thought is appropriate and tell the user to suck it up., Individuals have different reason to use the bot. I have been minion user for a over a year now, and everytime i have a concern (which is so few) about something the reply would always be are you crazy why do you want that? Or , suck it up your idea sucks, or its too much work so live with it.
(05-12-2015, 06:00 AM)nesha Wrote:  
(05-05-2015, 04:17 PM)Ace Wrote:  There's no reason to not use the Avoid AOE feature in some modes, and failure to kick it on manually would result in loves of people death looping on certain FATEs. Like it or not, you guys have to be protected from yourselves occasionally. You could modify the behavior by modifying a single line of code in ffxiv.lua if it's really THAT much of a bother to you to automatically use artificial intelligence to avoid having your face exploded.

I've said this before, but I'll repeat it here again:
None of the settings are saved per mode, some settings are automatically kicked on or off depending on if they would interfere with the mode currently in use, and it happens as soon as you change the mode.

For what i use the bot, avoiding aoe makes it obvious that i use a bot, i would use the bot to gather mats from mobs that i am 10 to 20 levels above, their aoe wont hurt me at all, plus its not a good option to have if you are using a blm.

(05-06-2015, 05:53 PM)Ace Wrote:  
(05-06-2015, 07:58 AM)bizzmo Wrote:  There are several posts with the same comments on the forum, asking for a way to permanent deactivate the feature.

Searching through post histories, I don't find this to be true at all. Every post I find is about making it dodge MORE.

I've said about all I will say on the subject for now. You're options at this point are to live with it, modify the lua, or create a module that overrides the code in such a manner as you see fit.

This is one thing that developers have to realize, that they need to develop things that users need. Not just the things that they thought is appropriate and tell the user to suck it up., Individuals have different reason to use the bot. I have been minion user for a over a year now, and everytime i have a concern (which is so few) about something the reply would always be are you crazy why do you want that? Or , suck it up your idea sucks, or its too much work so live with it.
i dont understand your concern. I disable avoid aoe, and it stays disabled till i switch modes. just switch to grind disable avoid aoe and be done with it. Till you switch modes. I honestly dont see what the big deal is.
i dont understand your concern. I disable avoid aoe, and it stays disabled till i switch modes. just switch to grind disable avoid aoe and be done with it. Till you switch modes. I honestly dont see what the big deal is.

which is the point why cant it be permanently saved? as user with all level 50, and doesn't grind for gil, I just always have the bot attached and switch modes so often its hard to keep track of that settings (changing class would change the mode on its own doh to dol to dow/m). Not to mention that using the scheduler for afk mode would mean that this setting would always just stay on) My concern is just not to the avoid aoe it also extend to other setting like USE Cordial. I know its not that hard to turn it off but sometimes you lose track of these things. example would be gathering for shards I made sure I turn off cordial (I don't BOT afk by the way) then an S rank will be announced I go to that S rank and immediately after the S - rank ill go back gathering shards then before I can remember the bot has wasted my cordials already.
And than people will bitch that avoid aoe isn't on when they want to go fate grind. Have to look at it from both sides. It takes 2 seconds to change the setting.
The settings save for cordials can be fixed. Your concern about avoiding aoe is misplaced, because it will only avoid it if it is within a certain level from you.

Your concerns about developers are also pretty much a blatant lie, as every time you've had issues in the past, the staff and I answered with a lot more respect than you show in your question, even when you simply don't understand the response over and over and over again (pretty much like just now) --> example [].
(05-12-2015, 05:38 PM)Latty79 Wrote:  And than people will bitch that avoid aoe isn't on when they want to go fate grind. Have to look at it from both sides. It takes 2 seconds to change the setting.

This is suppose to be a SETTING something they put on or off, so if they turn it off that means they don't want it, so they cant really bitch about it cause they turn it off, on the other hand im saying is I LIKE it off so let me keep it off.

(05-12-2015, 06:48 PM)Ace Wrote:  The settings save for cordials can be fixed. Your concern about avoiding aoe is misplaced, because it will only avoid it if it is within a certain level from you.

Your concerns about developers are also pretty much a blatant lie, as every time you've had issues in the past, the staff and I answered with a lot more respect than you show in your question, even when you simply don't understand the response over and over and over again (pretty much like just now) --> example [].

I guess you have to re-read the thread... I was so confused, my 2nd reply would have given the clue that I didn't even change modes properly but then rather than explaining further I was told I complain about clicking...

and thank you for willing fix the cordial issue..
What do you mean you didn't change modes properly? I just tested your theory about it turning avoid aoe back on in grind, with and without fates, it doesn't happen unless you for some reason switched to grind mode twice.
(05-12-2015, 08:04 PM)Latty79 Wrote:  What do you mean you didn't change modes properly? I just tested your theory about it turning avoid aoe back on in grind, with and without fates, it doesn't happen unless you for some reason switched to grind mode twice.

that was pertaining to another thread pointing it out for ACE (really Im starting to think people don't read the whole thing)

but with your test simulate it like this. Grind for a bit change it to not avoid aoe... then switch to a gather cause maybe a node open up. then after a node switch back to a DOW then that setting will go back to avoiding aoe.

But the bigger argument here is this is a SETTING, something that people don't have to go thru every time, something that a user set it one time and change it to their liking... I can not think of any software or devices that you had to go thru settings so many times it defeats the purpose of automation.
i start bot. I switch to grind. I turn off avoid aoe. I switch to gathering. I switch back to grind. Avoid aoe is still off. I switch to duty. I switch back to grind avoid aoe is off.. So im not sure what the issue is. Also if you are lvl 50 and attack a lvl 20 mob the bot knows you out level the mob by a bunch and wont avoid the aoe even if the feature is on.
(05-12-2015, 09:18 PM)Cichard Wrote:  i start bot. I switch to grind. I turn off avoid aoe. I switch to gathering. I switch back to grind. Avoid aoe is still off. I switch to duty. I switch back to grind avoid aoe is off.. So im not sure what the issue is. Also if you are lvl 50 and attack a lvl 20 mob the bot knows you out level the mob by a bunch and wont avoid the aoe even if the feature is on.

if that is the case, which is not the case with other person (Bizzmo) who posted here as well then something is not letting me save the settings and it is not coding issue. cause it definite would turn back on its own, with that being said what would you recommend i tried reinstalling the bot countless times before i posted this.

if it was pointed out that my client is the only one with issue earlier rather than pointing it out that it is more beneficial and important to have this setting turn back-on on its own when changing modes then the conversation may have routed differently. but as I once again review the posting here i was told :

1. All settings are Saved PER MODE. So if its off in grind mode but you switch to gather mode, it will be back on. you must disable it PER mode.

2. There's no reason to not use the Avoid AOE

3. I have to be protected against myself

4. None of the settings are saved per mode, some settings are automatically kicked on

5. You're options at this point are to live with it, modify the lua, or create a module that overrides the code in such a manner as you see fit.

6. My concern is misplaced.

with the above list it tells me that its not really just my client side problem but its something the developer decided we need.

but ill say it again.. its a setting who wants to go thru a setting so frequently. no device/software i can think of that you have to do a setting change so often like lets say 10 mins (killing mobs for chocobo exp while waiting nodes in mhordona)

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