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Stuck on "waiting to attach"
I been using this program for a while let my sub script slip for a few weeks. got a new key today updated everything activated key and it just sits there queued for start, starting game .... game started waiting for bot to attach, then goes and sits at queued for start. i had this issue before if i was running 2 clients i would have to shut one off and restart it. I have just one client running installed in admin , tried compatibility mode 7 and 8 still no go. I am also on windows 10 but it worked fine before with it i havent updated or changed windows since.

2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing minionpass with Value xxxxxxxxx
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing account with Value
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing accountpass with Value
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing charname with Value
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing server with Value
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing attach with Value true
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing path with Value C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\ffxiv.exe
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing datpath with Value C:\minion\MinionFiles\FFXIVMinion.dat
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing botpath with Value C:\minion
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing args with Value
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing args2 with Value
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing datacenter with Value 0
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Parsing attachtopid with Value xxxx
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Preparations for launch done
[2015-11-12 12:58:02]=> Attaching to PID xxxx
MinionApp > Settings > General > Attach Method > CompatibleMode

MinionApp itself should not be run in compatibility mode, but you may need to use the compatible mode attach method if you're using Windows 10.
Windows 10: If the bot is not attaching to your Game (and the game does NOT crash), you can try to use MinionApp's “Compatibility Mode”. (Find it in the upper right corner in MinionApp → Settings → Attach Method: Compatibilty Mode)

had to do this and restart ffxiv as well as minion ... thanks when i read this i assumed i needed to set ffxiv.exe and or minionapp.... ty for the help and time great support

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