(08-01-2016, 04:26 PM)sourdiesel Wrote: (08-01-2016, 01:11 PM)Skive Wrote: (07-30-2016, 03:02 AM)sourdiesel Wrote: It will fail to summon the next minion because you are technically still in combat. This is a hard one to reproduce since it happens so rarely, so we'll just have to see.
have you try doing a is in combat check? if not in combat summon. Put a latch when it require to summon next minion
if (not ml_global_information.Player_InCombat) then
Yea i would just use Player.incombat for this check, same thing basically, but this isn't the issue.
What is hard to reproduce is reaching medal cap on a fate that ends where mobs flee the fate when you still have aggro on them
this thing happen to me. I reach the legendary mob cap but my character just stand there and get hit by aggro mob. The grind mode was turn off.
Do you want to try to do a check with aggro mob before turning off the bot to swap minion?
local el = nil
local aggrotargert = nil
el = EntityList("lowesthealth,alive,onmesh,attackable,aggro,maxdistance=25")
if (ValidTable(el)) then
local id, target = next(el)
if (ValidTable(target)) then
if((target.level <= (Player.level + 3))) then
aggroTarget = target.id
you can stop the grind bot and put a loop to make your char kill the aggro target. This also depend how u want to implement it.
if(aggrotarget ~= nil) then
SkillMgr.Cast( target )