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ffxiv closes every 3 hours on the hour
my bots keep randomly closing their windows, cpu/gpu/memory is fine, am I messing up the setting somewhere?

The first client I opened has been going fine, whereas the others have been randomly closing
well what does the log say?

are you using the new beta launcher or the normal GUI_Launcher.

are you running the bot as admin?

are you using multiple Keycodes?(unique code for each bot)
I experience that same behavior. It's the beta launcher.

Every hour or so ffxiv will just randomly close out on me, not a crash. The exact behavior of when you press the stop button in the launcher. It's almost like the launcher clicks the stop button on it's own. I can be standing there chatting, or gathering or whatever, it seems random.

Other than that, the bot has been very stable.

if you are referring to log.txt, it doesn't say much, just killing PIDxxxxx

33 Downloading Manifest:
33 Downloaded C:\mmominion\Temp\manifest.xml
53 Downloading Manifest:
54 Downloaded C:\mmominion\Temp\manifest.xml
14 Downloading Manifest:
14 Downloaded C:\mmominion\Temp\manifest.xml
44 Killing PID: 25036
47 Lauching new instance for account xxxxx
well if you get a 90k error it will close out the game instantly with out a crash. There is another minionlauncherilnfo as well you can look at. it should tell you on the minionapp its self next to the account the reason of the closer. "network error" is 90k error
Ok it just happened to me now, been playing about 2 hours. the minionlauncher log didn't show anything at all. the last entry was when i logged in a few hours ago. log.txt does show the Killing PID: xxxxx message again so it looks like it is mmominion killing the process as opposed to ffxiv crashing. nothing in the windows eventlogs either.
OK, just happened again, strange that it seems to happen on the hour, every 3 hours exactly (almost).
[2015-06-12 06:58:10]=> Exiting Launcher, returning PID = 21932
[2015-06-12 09:59:18]=> Starting Launcher
[2015-06-12 09:59:19]=> Exiting Launcher, returning PID = 43016
[2015-06-12 13:00:25]=> Starting Launcher

it happened at 7am, 10am, 1pm, just happened again at 4pm. Any ideas what's causing this? it's definitely every 3 hours.
i brought this up in another post and thought i'd post here for visibility.

every 3 hours ffxiv closes out on me, today it was 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm

no errors in the logs. only shows killing process ID: xxxxxx

beta launcher
its probably your isp, changing your ip or something or your VPN, if the bot connects to the minion authentication server from a different ip it closes the game window out. what does the launcher says its self, not the log file, on the launcher next to the account that got closed it will say "last error"
I highly doubt i'm getting a new IP every 3 hours, and I'm not using a VPN. I have FREEDNS and it emails me whenever my IP changes, and that's usually like once/month. But I will check that.
It said something like FFXIV Crashed, and then restarting.
what mode are you in when it crashes? to mee it seems like either IP changes, or you are just getting 90k errors.

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