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My Astrologian profile
There is an issue with balance and time, your checks are only looking for party buff and not enemy,
I think is better to replace balance with Arrow, or create another Time that applies to Enemy, up to you.
Balance and time? What do you mean time as in being checked how much longer is on the astro's buff list? Not sure how it would apply to the enemy when it only checks to see if you have the card pulled buff then checks to see if your group has the buff applied from balanace. If not then it uses the card. What does it have to do with the enemy over the player unless you mean targeting which should not matter. It should still do the checks against player buffs.
Would love to start using this profile, but as said by a few others: my astro is low-level and currently there are no good profiles for it, at all.

so one that supports low level dungeons a littlebit would make you get your feedback in a few weeks a lot more valuable if people could also level up in it.

anyway, i appreciate your hard work!
Thank you for your appreciation. Sadly non level 60 content I do not have time to test right now. I want to eventually support it and hope during my vacation I can commit a few days to do such but the profile is meant for high end play only and that is the most relevant feedback I wish. the astrologian profile that comes with mmominion works for leveling up from what I have seen and an excellent alternative for letting the bot level you.
it doesn't remove the "Bleed" buff in Neverreap 2nd Boss... should I just put in the List from the Buffs thread? And, is there any specific reason that it never uses the skills that have a regen?
I will have to find out what the bleed id is but I will make sure to add it to my list and push it with an update soon. It should use Aspected Ben regen. It does not use aspected helios because it really drains the mana from my astro so I have it set up for only raid use really. It has its own settings for tank hp and for player hp. As I said it has to do with either your mana level or item level since I have heavy mana % restrictions from astrologians being mana hogs lol. It should heal your tank at 90% or so with aspected regen and 80% use helios when 4 people in a 15 yalm range is at 80% or under.

I will post a new update that I have added more tank healing conditions on tonight. I also really need to redo the royal road system because it never wants to royal road cast any roaded enhanced buffs to the point of not even using cards while you have enhanced royal road up. If you want aspected ben to be casted on everyone goto diurnal heal non tank and raise the hp setting. I have regen set for semi low 75% or below based on feedback from two raiding astrologians who have to babysit its mana use if you have the astro throwing out aspected regens to everyone below 90% it sucks your mana dry.

Tomorrow begins my two week vacation and I hope to roll out a huge 2.0 update finally that works at all level ranges. Also I swear I use to remember healing conditions for a target's focus. IF anyone knows how to create conditions for a healers focus as its primary heal target I would be in your debt to teach me that. The astro who raids savage using the profile has to constantly turn it off because he is assigned a tank.
(08-14-2015, 06:18 PM)Kiljaedon Wrote:  IF anyone knows how to create conditions for a healers focus as its primary heal target I would be in your debt to teach me that. The astro who raids savage using the profile has to constantly turn it off because he is assigned a tank.

I think this has to be added by the devs of the skill manager, not sure we can do this right now.
New update with lower level support starting tonight. I am considering alternative options to figure out a way to have a focused tank since that is the norm in savage mode raiding.
Thanks for the hard work :)
Thank you for the kind words. As I said I will support the profile until someone more talentive comes around with thier own profile.If you can think of any additions the profile could usr let me know and I'll see if it's viable to add. Royal road is still notoriously wonky for me.

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